Lola Silvers

by Carmen Silvers

I miss you so much Lolita. You were such a blessing to all of us. Me, Daddy, Nicole, Busta & Killa miss you so much. I miss your little face. I miss you running around. I miss you going in circles for me to pick you up. I miss your head laying on my chest and feeling you so close to me.

I wish there was something we could have done for you. You were such a happy little girl. You will always be my GIRL. Mommy misses you so much. You will always be in my heart.

You are in a better place now and hopefully one day we will be together again.

Lola, you will never be forgotten or replaced. You will always be with us. God Bless You My little Girl. XOXO

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by: Amanda

There's a quote that says "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself." Nothing is truer. They never judge us, they never say no and they never stop loving us.

Lolita was a lucky little girl to be found by the Silvers' family. They were equally lucky to be blessed with such a good little girl.

She will be missed, she will be celebrated and she will be waiting for you.

I can only hope that my boys (Bodie and Elvis) and your Max are there showing her the ropes and keeping her busy.

Now it's time to heal. The process is long, but not hopeless. You will always feel the pain of losing her, but it will evolve from this deep wound to a small scar.

She will never be just a memory.

Love always, Amanda, Bear & Pauley xoxo

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