Little Stevie

by Christine Rau

Ever so faithful and are etched on our hearts forever.

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To Christine, Stevie's Mom
by: Karen, Owner of Tiger

So sad to read that your pet passed away. I do hope that by now you have acquired another pup or doggie to fill that void.

I lost my German Shepherd, Tiger, last June (2011) to an aggressive-type cancer and it was the worst feeling ever. Two weeks before putting him to sleep, he seemed fine.

We have since got another dog who's 4 years old. His family was migrating and asked if we could keep him. That telephone call came one night about 2 weeks after our Sweetheart had passed away.

We have not regretted for a second taking in this beautiful (yet another) German Shepherd. He looks identical to Tiger except for a darker face but the same body-colouring, so much so, I keep calling him Tiger instead of his name, Prince.

Yes, I've moved on but Tiger will forever remain in my heart just as I am sure Stevie will remain in yours. Peace and Love.

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