Little pieces of fuzzy love - all over the house

by Holly
(San Diego, CA)

Love has the face of a dog with dark chocolate eyes and little copper flakes; rich black eyeliner expertly applied and creamy white cheeks leading up to soft silky cinnamon-colored ears that forever need a scratch... just... right... there. A sigh, and a smile, and up then down with a wiggle to get in closer.

Fur with the scent of pure rich soil from the forest floor; who would think the smell of dirt could be so sweet. Fuzzy comfort to warm my heart and heal my soul. Whether 5 minutes or 5 hours, I had been gone Forever and my return was worth a raucous celebration. Tail tucked in a puppy’s scamper from the bed to the couch to the bed to the couch to the bed to the couch and then a heap of smiling happiness on the floor waving that fluffy flag of the purest joy.

You never cared if the house was clean or my homework was done – it was always time to go out and play. I will always remember you sitting on the porch, head cocked to the side, watching the world go by, and always trying to figure out why I would not let you just come and go as you pleased. You would of course be right back; you would never leave me.

You were my best friend and I was your person. I will miss you, Kima, and the little pieces of fuzzy love all over my house. 12/07/01-01/26/10

Comments for Little pieces of fuzzy love - all over the house

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by: Anonymous

i am so sorry for your loss. I have a hole in my heart from when I lost my little Opie on Dec. 13 2008. He crossed over the rainbow bridge and he waits for me with my grandparents, my sister and other dear pets. I have 4 little doxies but my love for my little Opie was different.

So sorry for your loss.

Your Kima
by: Anonymous

Thank you for sharing. My Lucy left just 10 days ago. It was hell, but gets just a bit better every day. Thank you for your story. My heart is with you in your loss.

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