Little One

by Suzy
(San Jose. CA)

We just named him Butters last night. He got away this morning while I was watching an episode of southpark to make sure the name fit him well. I got a phone call, telling me he had been hit by a car. I rushed out of the house, just 3 hours ago, to find hime gone. I can't believe it!

He was just here this morning and we were all playing together. I found him 2 weeks ago without a collar on and took him home. We even put signs out to make sure that his family could find him.

We couldn't believe how well behaved he was. He'd leave our other dog (Cherub) alone when he needed to. He was so smart and funny.

At first our other dog didn't like him. He grew on Cherub and they just began to play a couple of days ago. We decided to keep him yesterday. I didn't want to put Cherub, who is my best friend, out, but this little guy seemed to really cheer him up. I was so happy to have found a new friend for my best friend (who is sitting at my feet right now).

I went out yesterday and got little toys for his little mouth (he was a short haired chihuahua). Just this morning, I was so thankful that he had perked up my older dog and was such a joy to us also. We had no idea he was gong to sneak out. He just loved to cuddle under my neck.

It's amazing how life goes sometimes. One minute you're enjoying who is in your life and the next they're taken away. Or maybe he just needed to keep going on his little journey. I'm so glad that he lived with us while he could.

Now, I will be making arrangements for his cremation, instead of playing with his new toys with him. How sad. I still can't believe it. You never know what's going to happen after you wake up in the morning. I really miss him a lot. My husband and Cherub do too.

See you later (it feels so weird to say that) my litte Butters. We miss you already and will never forget you. Thank you for being such a friend to Cherub, and for loving me from the first day I fould you. I will cherish your memories always.


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