Lili, in Our Hearts Forever

by Rena

Two weeks ago you passed away - such a hole you left behind. I still can't believe it. Thirteen and a half years we had your love. You made us laugh, you made us cry.

When we were sick 'Nurse Lili' was always there with a warm body and big brown eyes. You knew when we were hurt, 'Dr Lili' with your little tongue to heal the pain.

We found you in China, only a few weeks old, held captive in a rubbish bin while your mum was running around in the shop. You were destined for the restaurants.

The sweetest Dachshund ever! You grew up in my daughter's pocket, on the hand basin having your makeup done, wearing pearls to go out, puff jackets when it snowed, scarves when it was warm, and an outfit for every occasion - a shining star.

Lili the social coordinator! Always a ball ready to chase, a stone to chew, a toy to tear apart for everyone's enjoyment, a balloon to play tennis with, and when you could bark, so much noise to make us join you. A place at the table. :)

You travelled far from China, to Indonesia to Malaysia to Australia. You were fully paralysed in Indonesia but bounced back with acupuncture and swimming in 2011. You collapsed in Malaysia in November 2013 and we were told you had only a couple of months to live.

You had Cushings Disease and heart failure. You defied the odds and managed to fly to Australia in June 2014.

You had the best time ever - your first trip to the beach, to the river, to the cafes. Medicines for your illness kept you going.

Finally you lost your balance, you lost your voice, you didn't know how to play anymore. As you looked after us in our times of need, we looked after you - we sat with you, slept with you, fed you and loved you every minute of every day and held your paw and stroked your head.

Your big brown eyes looked at me that night - we shared a moment together and we said goodbye. It was peaceful. We arrived at the emergency clinic at 2am but your little heart just stopped, nothing anyone could do.

We knew the time would come but we just weren't prepared. My heart is broken. I cry every day. People say cherish the memories. We do, but it can never replace your warm little body.

We will miss you forever, sweet Lili. We love you. xx

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