Letting Go of My Best Friend

by Caitlin
(Barrie )

Miss Maggie Mae

Miss Maggie Mae

People saw the movie "Marley and Me" and instantly thought of you. You were probably the craziest, most loveable lab I've ever met in my life. You were only 15 months old, so we weren't able to watch you move past your puppy stage, but that makes it the hardest. You were my best friend for over a year, a year of chewed up socks, a year of playing fetch, a year of bones and treats, a year of your slobbery tongue, just the best year I've ever had.

Two weeks ago was the hardest day of my life, having to watch as the doctors put you to sleep. It's hard to look at dogs, because somehow it doesn't seem fair that I lost you so soon, but I know you'd want me to be happy because all you ever did was bring joy to me, especially on my darkest days.

You may be gone, my precious angel, but you'll never be forgotten. I hope you're having a good time up there. Better not be eating up the big mans socks!

I love you forever, Maggie.

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