Legend... My Hero

by Sue Snyder
(Slatington, New Tripoli, PA)

My hero My  love…. Legend

My hero My love…. Legend

It's time to finally write this. I haven't been able to really accept that he's gone, and it's been four years. I feel so guilty because I didn't do his memorial here. His two brothers and sisters were on right away.

Legend was the last beautiful pitbull that I would have. I have four pieces to my heart and they each have a piece of it. I just can't do it anymore.

Legend is literally my hero because in 2019 I was abandoned and left in a place to die. I survived because of Legend and Nugget, who is the kitty cat. Two months after I made it out of where we were, he passed away. He knew I was safe.

Legend, my love, there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you. I wish you were here. I still love you as much as I did when you were with me. I'm glad you're with Sniper, Spotty and Penny, but I wish you were with me.

I can't even begin to say what he's done for me.

Until we meet again. Mommy loves you so very much. Thank you. I'm sorry.

Fly high, my angel!

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Memorial to Legend
by: Vesna

I'm so very sorry for your loss. The pain is real, and the loss is real and lasting. There are no words to say, only compassion and understanding from experience.

Legend was your hero, no doubt in my mind. He saved you from something so harsh only you and he will understand.

He will be with you forever in your heart. He may not be walking alongside of you, but he's with you, every step, every breath, every moment. Treasure it forever.

May he fly high above the clouds, and forever be such an important part of your life.


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