Lady Rojo

by Danny H & Glenda M Rojo
(Midland, TX)

My dearest baby girl,

Our world was crushed December 24th, 2018. What happened we will never know.

One minute you were playing tug o' war and fetch all night long, the next minute I didn't have you anymore. What happened, what, when, where, or whom? Dear God, please send me an answer.

I miss you my baby girl. I miss your greetings at the end of my work day. You'd meet me at the door and now I don't even want to open the door. It seems so unreal that you are not here. I want answers, I want to know what went wrong. Please Dear God send me a real answer.

I fought hard to keep you here on earth with us. I begged the vet to do what had to be done to keep you alive. I feel horrible, I feel at fault. I have no idea what went wrong. Early in the morning you were to see Dr. Brown but at the ER, we should have been that night.

I don't know what to do. I don't know how to live without you. You were my life. All I did, I did for you. The house is so quiee now. You were the circle of attention and quick to start drama. It was all about you, my love, our precious little girl.

I miss your demanding ways, your kisses, your licks, the unique sound of your feet. I miss your beautiful face and your crazy ways, the way you looked at me, oh and that personality you had.

For now all your toys and your balls will remain as you left them. I love you so much, I don't know where to look or where to turn. I just want to rip my heart out. I don't want to wake up in the morning and face the day without you in it. Our bucket list was not complete. Together we would grow old. But now I feel I have lost it all.

You were loved so much, I hope you knew that our love for you was unconditional as yours was for us. We had such wonderful years together. We did many things together, and made lots of good memories. But you lived a short life and that is so unfair. You were still young and full of life. I will die loving you and missing you. Not only will we meet at the Rainbow bridge, we will be together again and walk side by side for eternity.

With all our love, we will miss you forever!

Danny H & Glenda M Rojo & family

Daddy, mommy, Gabriel, Adam, (fur relatives) - Naedo, Cooper and Chucci

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Miss you
by: Irene

Love you, miss Lady Rojo.

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