
by Kyle

You were just the best dog ever. You grew up with the girls and were always their best friend, playmate and confidant. How you used to howl and cry whenever Kirsten cried. We always knew you were there to protect us with your bark and there to comfort us with your big, beautiful brown eyes (everyone has always said you had the best eyes ever).

You were not happy at all when we brought Daisy into the house but after a few weeks, you came to be her friend and she yours. You were a great combination. I really don't know what Daisy is going to do without you.

It is so hard now that you are gone and how it happened so fast but at least you never had to suffer. It does comfort me that I was with you at the vet when you passed. Just being able to look into those brown eyes one last time and stroke you hear gave me some comfort. I hope it did to you too.

You were and will always be a part of our family and we will always miss you. Years from now, I know we will meet again.

Love you so much, Lacy.

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