Kramer Benton: Our Beautiful Boy and Best Friend

by Kristie Benton

Our Kramer puppy blessed our lives for 13 1/2 years. He went on vacations to the Grand Canyon, swam in the Pacific Ocean, made the long trip to Maine, Buffalo, and, of course, swimming in the lakes and beaches in the Carolinas. He loved to go on "walk, walk, walks," playing with Sammy, and of course pretzel time with Daddy at night.

Kramer you gave us so much love, never a day went by that you weren't at the door greeting us with excitement and Love. On our worst days you were there to make everything "ok." Anyone who met you, always loved you because you were so special and a personality bigger than life!

For ten years, it was just you, me and Daddy. Then we rocked your world and Samantha came! You made Samantha the sweet little girl she is today, you taught her love, compassion and friendship. We all are better people because you were in our lives. Now there is a hole in our hearts without you here.

Every song we sang to you, every walk we took keeps replaying in my mind. I wish it didn't have to go by so quickly.

The cards, flowers, messages we have received since you passed have been overwhelming. We planted a Kramer tree for you and go out every night and water "You." Not a day goes by that I don't break down and cry because of the pain I feel without you here.

A card we received for you says it best, "To say good-bye to a pet is to lose a little piece of your heart." The only thing I would change is its a big piece of your heart you lose.

We love you and miss you more than words can say. We know you are in Heaven and sleep on your bed of clouds every night. Our Beautiful Kramer Puppy Dog!

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