"Kaiser" My Beloved German Shepherd 1-17-99 to 5-31-11

by Kristin Miller
(Iselin, NJ, USA)



I brought your ashes home today and it is hard to believe that all of you could fit into such a tiny box. You were such a magnificent dog who stood so tall and proud. You took such pride in watching over all of us and making sure we were safe.

I had you for over 12 years, which I've heard is so long for your breed's lifespan, but selfishly I wish I could have had you with me forever. I still can't believe you are gone and I am so glad you waited two weeks for me to come home from vacation to say goodbye. I only wish I knew I had less than 24 hours to be with you.

I've looked over all your puppy pictures and laughed and cried, remembering how your ears wouldn't stand up and flopped over clumsily. I loved your ears because you looked like a bunny rabbit at first because they were so big, but you eventually grew into them.

You always had such a young spirit and never seemed to get old since you always loved to play tug of war and run outside up until the day you died.

I miss our late night talks and all your talking back and grunts and groans. The house seems so quiet without you. Sometimes I still think I can hear you paws run across the floor.

I miss you terribly but I know one day I will see you again and get to tug on your ears and kiss your head. I thank God I got to share my life with you, my very best furry friend.

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by: Thori

I lost my shepherd 2 weeks ago today. I miss her so much my heart is broken.

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