Jitters aka FurFace Balmoral the sweetest pup

by Sandi
(Rochester, NY, USA)

Jitters came into our life 12 years ago as a rescued 4 month old cairn terrier. He was such a sweet sweet boy. Loved us, loved all people and dogs. He was articulate---a talker who could almost always get folks to do whatever he wanted. He was loved by all who knew him.

We had 12 incredible years with the boy---but early Sunday morning August 23rd he was put to sleep. For the past 4 years he had had at least two serious life threatening illnesses and had beaten insurmountable odds. But the last one, the swallowing of the bones of one of his many hated squirrels, served as the beginning of his end.

Somehow, with the skills of his vet of many years and the love and nursing of his mom, he survived against huge odds the initial assault on his body, but after 8 days of what appeared to be a miraculous recovery and while visiting his human sister out of town he developed a problem with blood clots and the inability to form more clots. The end result was internal bleeding.

His mom held out hope for 10 hours but after a night of his pacing and discomfort and exhaustion at 4am, with my sisters, daughter and son-in-law, a compassionate emergency vet ended his suffering. I held him, stroked him and looked into his eyes and told him what a good good boy he was. He relaxed, never took his eyes off me, and then simply went to sleep.

I am heartbroken We had such a bond. I know eventually I'll stop crying but I miss him so so so so much.

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Remembering Jitters
by: tom


I am sorry for your loss of Jitters. I know how you feel. I lost my little buddy Ned almost 6 months ago and I still cry. Ned looked me in the eye the night before he died and I knew he was going to leave me.

Be well. Every day gets a little better (I think). Jitters has left a footprint on your heart that will remain forever.

Listen for his bark in the wind.

I hope you feel better.


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