In Loving Memory of My Little Angel, Amy

by Alana

R.I.P. Amy.

We will never forget you, beautiful girl. You had such amazing strength for a little girl. You came to us weak and skinny, I looked after you and fed you, and how you gained so much strength.

I remember we were told, not long after you came to our family, that your life would only last another 6 months. That in itself broke my heart, but you proved them all wrong. i certainly never doubted your strength to fight.

I stood by you. I never gave up on you. We got a lovely 4 years together. But oh how that went so quickly.

No matter how long you have been gone, my heart doesn't get any stronger, nor does the pain get any easier. But knowing you, my angel, I can know that you will let me know when it's my time. You will call for me to come and meet you at heaven's gate where we will be together forever.

I love you, sweetheart. I'll never forget you special girl.

Forever in our hearts, always and forever.

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Little Angel
by: Anonymous

A sweet little dog. You were lucky to have had each other. Loss is terrible. The pain subsides but never completely goes away.

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