In Loving Memory of Bubbie D. Miller

In the car, where she thought she belonged

In the car, where she thought she belonged

Bubbie was born May 26th, 2007 in Muskegon, Michigan, with the name Princess. A year later she developed her forever name, Bubbie. She will forever be known for being dressed in her frilly dresses and being the most loyal companion.

Bubbie was always full of life and in her mom's arms at all times over 15 years. She loved to go on car rides, and had to sit on her mama's shoulders wherever they went. No matter how long of a ride, Bubbie could not wait to go.

In her young days she loved to go for walks. The beach was her favorite walk spot because she loved to spend time in the sun as much as possible. From the beach she always got her favorite doggie sundae to end the day. She also loved to go for a ride in the kayak down the river.

As everyone knows, Bubbie was hand-fed her entire life. Her favorite foods included ice cream, burger, pot pies, and anything with chicken in it. She later developed the nickname "Chicken," and "Chicken-Little."

Bubbie was so human-like. She enjoyed every second of every day she spent on earth. She was loyal, protective, and a very good mama to her babies.

She will forever be in our hearts as the human dog who would listen to every syllable of every word you said until she could figure out what it was you were trying to tell her. She never gave up, even on her last day.

Rest is peace babygirl. We love you.

Bubbie crossed the rainbow bridge on December 8th, 2022 at 5pm.

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