I Love You Tré -- Aug 2006-May 2012

I have never felt such pain. I cannot stop crying. I have cared for many animals, put several to sleep, but this is different.

When I brought you home from the shelter as a foster, I knew I would not be returning you like the many others. You were special. We carried you around in a homemade sling, knowing you needed TLC.

You were a great student, at a few months old, learning how to climb up and down the steps with only one front leg. Your sisters loved you. Daddy put treads on the steps and you always used them.

All the cats felt safe with you, greeting you in the morning and often lying around with you during the day. At times, you and Lucky were a team, you getting the food off the counter, and allowing lucky to eat it with you.

Lucky tolerated you, as your instinct had you herding him on walks and in the yard. Our walks were short and few as it was hard for you and we did not want to stress your body. When you were tired, you graciously allowed me to carry you the rest of the way.

Like one of my children, many nights you would wake me to get on my bed. And never caring what the books and experts said, I helped you on, secretly loving it. You and Lucky were the only ones to greet me when I came home from work. How I appreciated seeing your laughing face, telling me how much you missed me and how I was the center of your world.

Everyone who met you loved you, tail always wagging, greeting everyone who came to the door. Not a mean bone in your body, you trusted everyone. Sort of understanding that you were different than other dogs, you were cautious and careful, fearful of getting hurt and staying close to me.

You were not even 6 years old, too young to leave me. I am sorry the last few weeks were so bad. I wish I had been more aware of your distress sooner. As I was with you your last hour, your tail wagged when I spoke. I pray that you knew how much I loved you.

Letting you go was the hardest thing I have ever done. All my life's losses are multiplied. Walking in the door is difficult, caring for my other animals is difficult.

I will miss you forever. Thank you for allowing me to care for you, and for loving me so much.


Comments for I Love You Tré -- Aug 2006-May 2012

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Daisy May 2006 - April 2012
by: Anonymous

My sunshine is gone too. She was so close to Tre's age. I lost my beloved father last August, but the pain in my heart for my little dachshund is unbearable.

I feel your pain...

I Am Sorry Sorry
by: Patch Mommyt

A touching story. I feel your pain, and I still hurt for my PATCH.

In the Arms of the Angels
by: Ed

What a touching tribute to your dear friend.

Rescues are special, aren't they? I rescued my Co Co 2 years ago and lost her to renal failure just 5 months ago. My heart is still broken.

Over these past few months I've realized that it was not I that rescued Co Co, it was she that was sent to rescue me.

I know your dear friend and my beloved girl now play in God's green fields and are well and happy in his care.

God bless you.

Ed in Denver

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