Hondo's Legacy

by Terri Pruneda
(Dallas, TX)

Hondo was born on 6/26/04. I met him on 6/30/04. I was picking my baby out, but the first one was a girl, his sister. I put her back and chose him. He was only 4 days old. He fit in the palm of my hand.

My husband said I couldn't have another baby since we already had two. I told him this was to be his baby. I even let him name him. He was named after a town my husband's father lived in.... Hondo.

I wanted to name him King Arthur/Lord Hemingway/Sir Frances, but his name fit him. He was extremely smart. Graduated from school and watched TV.

He was very protective and loving. When the end was approaching, he would lick the tears from my face to comfort me.

I and my family are really struggling with this loss. He left behind his brother Jake, Father Nuni, Mother Terri and two sisters/wives, Minnoe and Phoebee.

Lots of other family members will love and miss him. The Degilia family would care for our babies when we went on vacation and we thank them so much for the kindness and love they showed our baby.

He has at least two babies he will finally be with again. Sami and Sessi. I am looking forward to the day I am able to cross the Rainbow Bridge with my beloved baby Hondo. I love and miss my Pappi. I loved him so much, but he always loved me more.

Rest in peace my sweet precious baby. I love you so much...

Love, Mommy

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