
by Brenda

I have just made the hardest decision. A decision that although I knew was coming, I tried to deny.

Putting my dog of 16 years - Hobie - to sleep.

Hobie was not the first. He was actually the second! This caused some amusement in the family. Hobie 1 was just a puppy when he strayed into the horse paddock. We then went and got Hobie 2.

From the moment he came home he was my little mate. He never dug holes or chewed, he was just happy to be played with. Walks, he just never missed them, and he was my constant companion when I went horse riding.

Hobie just was. He was clever too, learning to open gates with his paw. Standing at my parents door and just barking enough to be noticed and get a bone. He even knew when it was the weekend and time to walk and get the papers!

I knew this day would be sad but the pain and loss are hard. I just want my best friend.

Comments for Hobie

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by: Debbie Sanders

I have had to do the same with my little buddy Rudy. I know the heartache you feel. I had him for 10 years. He was my world. He went everywhere with me.

I could not even get in the car it was so hard. Everything I did and everywhere I looked reminded me of him.

My heart goes out to you. May God bless and God Speed...

I'm sad with you for your loss
by: Anonymous

Having recently lost my girl LucyLu of 14+ years, I want you to know that your Hobie had the best a dog's life can offer - old age. Bury him in your heart, that is the best place.

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