He Was the Best Dog Ever

My dog was the cutest shih tzu ever. He was a perfect dog. Except for running away. One day I said stay, but in a flash of a second he ran.

I tried to get him, but it was too late. I heard a huge screech on the main road. I started crying immediately as I saw him lying helplessy on the street. We rushed him to the emergency vet. They took him into the ER and tried saving him.

They said we could see him. My dog took the last look at us and correctly the vet pronounced that his heart stopped beating. He had a head trauma, collapsed lung, and a fractured rear leg. I really hope he is running around in heaven.

Comments for He Was the Best Dog Ever

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What a sad day
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry you had to lose your baby that way. It is such a tragedy. Hugs to you.

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