Harley, My Gorgeous Big Boy

by Joanne
(Staffordshire UK)

My big baby boy, I lost you 6th May 2012, aged 6 1/2 years. You died so suddenly, but I was there with you, my Harley. You were not alone.

You were my life, baby boy. I miss you so much. I miss walking in from work to not have your excited greeting. I miss you lying on my bed and on the floor next to me. I miss cuddling you and feeling your soft ears on my face. I miss not having you everywhere I go. That's why you were called my shadow.

You always knew when I was happy or sad and you were always there to give me that big gorgeous look that always made me smile.

I will miss our holidays away in our caravan and trips to the beach, watching you enjoy playing in the water and taking walks along the beach. We did all this with your brother Buddy, who I can see misses you too.

Some of my happiest memories I have had in my life are the ones I spent with you, baby boy. Those memories will stay in my heart forever. I have a big picture of you on my wall in my bedroom and when I lie in bed, I feel you are looking at me. I look at our happy memories every day.

I will never ever forget you, my big baby boy. I will love you forever. You were my best friend and I miss you, Harley my shadow.


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