Graphit, Our Boy

by Leah
(Antwerp, Belgium)

We said goodbye to our beloved cocker spaniel Graphit last Friday, June 17. He just turned 15 on June 6.

Graph had been suffering from a chronic ear infection for more than 7 years and in the last 3 years, we had to administer various medicines just to keep the infection from worsening. Graph became completely deaf 3 years ago, and yet he would respond when we tapped the floor or the furniture. He followed the directive signs of our hands when we wanted him to follow us, to go up and down the stairs, to sit or to be still.

In fact, he learned to understand our signs and he would proudly offer his paws in order to make a sign that he was a good boy and must therefore be rewarded with his favorite salami. After emptying his food bowl, he would always come to me and my husband to ask for his salami and he won’t stop begging until he got 2 pieces of salami (one from me and one from my husband).

But last week, we noticed that he seemed so tired, always lying on his bed and he no longer ran when he went to our backyard. He refused to eat on Thursday and even his favorite salami would not make him open his mouth. On Friday, we noticed a big swelling just under his ears.

When we brought him to the vet, we were told that he had a massive infection and he seemed to have lost the will to fight the infection. The vet told us, he had about 2 weeks to live, but those 2 weeks would be very painful for him. I asked the vet to make the pain go away and she gently told me that we could allow Graphit to go now and spare him further pain.

My husband gave the permission to let him sleep and I was holding him while he was being injected. I held him until even after the vet told me he was gone. I could not stop crying. We had him cremated last Tuesday.

I have been crying everyday for him, missing him and feeling so sorry that I was helpless to take away his pain.

I am grateful for this website and for the chance to write a memorial for our beloved Graphit.

To Graph, we will never forget you. Your paw prints will forever be engraved in our lives, in our memories, in our hearts. You came as a frightened 3 year old doggie, who did not want to be touched and caressed at times, since you maybe thought that hands could hurt and cause pain on your small body.

And yet, after several weeks (or were they months?), you learned to trust again and you learned that our hands were there to caress you, to stroke you and to keep you steady. We saw you change from an angry and suspicious dog, to a happy and playful one, so proud to show off his toys and so happy and welcoming when we came home from work.

How I wish I could again hold you, play with you, bring you to the dog park in front of our house, or just look into your soulful eyes. Your eyes are now closed and I am sure you are now in a place where no pain exists and where you can again hear. I just hope that they will remember to also give you your salamis.

We love you.

Comments for Graphit, Our Boy

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Still Miss You
by: Graph's Mom

Tomorrow will be one year since we had to say goodbye to you. We still miss you, our Graph.

To: Leah, Graphit's Mommy
by: Karen

Hello Leah, Just thought I'd let you know that "Prince" (another German Shepherd - 4 yrs. old) offered to us by a family migrating to another country arrived 2 weeks ago. His name is now (unintentionally): "Tiger ... ah ... ur .... Prince." He is identical in colour to Tiger; so remarkable and uncanny but a massive-in-size breed.

I must admit that even though Prince has taken so much of that heartache away from us due to the loss of Tiger, I still cry for my "baby" and talk to him every day. Prince is still relatively new to us but is so very loving, fluffy with a mane like that of a lion and gives us so much joy. I am still hoping that with time, my heart will totally heal.

So .... I know how you must feel with the loss of Graphit. The pain is there but not as painful as before. All the very best to you and your new pup who, like Graphit, will grow to one day be a wonderful, faithful, special and loving dog.

To Leah
by: Karen

Dear Leah, Thank you so much for your kind words about Tiger. I see that you got another pup. Good for you! I do hope that by doing so, it will help take all that sadness away from your heart.

I'm still having a very hard time accepting our loss 3 weeks ago. I miss Tiger so badly my heart hurts. But, God has something else planned for us.

A family we know asked us to look after their dog (another German Shepherd of 4 years) as they're migrating to Canada. Well, he looks just like Tiger, only much bigger but with the exact colouring. It is totally amazing. He comes to us next month and already he's bonded with us as we visit him regularly.

I'm sure you will never ever forget Graphit just like we'll never forget Tiger, but we must learn to move on. All the very best with your new pup. May he grow to be yet another great and loving companion as Graphit was.

For Karen, the owner of Tiger
by: Leah

Thank you Karen. I am especially touched that in the midst of your own grief, you are reaching out to comfort others in their sadness. I believe that your Tiger will always be guarding you and what you have shared will never be taken away from you...

To the Owners of Graphit
by: Karen

What a lovely name for such a lovely dog! I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I read your story and it brought tears to my eyes. I lost my German Shepherd, Tiger, last Sunday. He was 9 years old.

I know what you are going through. Please accept my deepest sympathies on losing Graphit. May you find the strength to move forward. Graphit is looking down on you. Blashy...
by: Leah

Dear Graphit, today we brought home your little brother Blashy. He is not your replacement since you can never be replaced. He will have his own place in our lives... in our hearts... in our home. We know, you are watching over us all.

Rest now our Graphit. We will never forget you.

I miss Graphit
by: Marijo

Thanks for sharing this, Leah. I am in the public library with Albert, so was able to check my facebook and take a look at your eulogy for Graphit.

I am sure he is watching over you and Guido, same as our Sparky! We still miss him up to this very day. I sure wish Toffee can cheer you guys up!!!

Thank you
by: Leah

Thank you for your kind words...who knows, maybe our boy and your girl are now playing together...somewhere...and I am sure they are looking at us...I guess the pain will never completely fade...he was truly a precious, beautiful and joyful gift...

by: Wayne Madison, AL

I am so sorry for your loss. Graphit sounds like a wonderful dog and you a wonderful owner.

For your comfort
by: Anonymous

What a loved boy. It touches my heart to know there are wonderful people who feel and express the love for a beloved pet. I too lost my girl in April.

As hard as it is, we both made the right decision to spare our dogs from suffering. I have learned in just the past few months that the good memories overcome the loss.

Even though the grieving process continues, it is a joy to know a life became a happy one thanks to you. I'm all for rescue dogs. Blessings to you.

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