Goodbye Quinn

by Jeff
(Bakersfield, CA)

My dog of 14 years, Quinn, died today. I am glad he is no longer suffering but I was truly astonished at how hard I cried.

Once I stopped crying I took stock of my time with Quinn and realized all I can do is smile. He went with me thousands of miles and never complained. He listened to me countless hours and never complained.

He simply hung by my side with boundless admiration and endless love, so goodbye Quinny. I will never quit appreciating, missing, and loving you!

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Till Death Do We Part but then again, do we really?
by: Ed

What a simple but beautiful tribute to Quinn.

I had a mini Schnauzer (Fritz) for 14.5 years and our lives were much like the one you described with Quinn. Steady and true no matter what!

After Fritz passed, I adopted CoCo, a 5 or 6 year old female Border Collie, Aussie Shepherd mix from the Denver Dumb Friends League.

Sadly, Co Co and I only had two short years together due to an illness that could not be overcome / defeated. On December 27th, 2011 she too went home to God and my heart broke.

CoCo was my heart and I miss her terribly.

Some say death is the end but I personally cannot subscribe to that thinking. The bond between us and our companions is too strong for death to break!

They are still alive if only in our hearts and memories. Truly they cannot and never will die.

May God bless you and hold Quinn in the palm of his hand until it's time for you to be reunited forever in Heaven's green fields.

Ed in Colorado

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