Goodbye My Sweet BoyπŸ’œπŸΎπŸ˜ž

by Sarah

Yesterday was the last day of your life. I hope you had a sweet day. Diesel, you were such a sweet, handsome boy who we loved most. You lived with itchy skin for a lot of your life, but you always stayed such a happy dog. I am going to miss hearing you whine from joy of seeing grampy pull into the driveway.πŸ’œ

I don't know how I could have gotten through the past 8 years without you by my side. And it breaks my heart to think I'm going to have worse times and I won't have you here to comfort me... Being a teen without my best friend by my side is going to be dreadful. But at least I know that you will always be watching over us and making sure nothing ever happens to us.

I'm going to miss seeing you every morning when I wake up and seeing you every night before bed, but I know I will see you again someday.πŸ’œ

I love you, Diesel bear.🐾❀️😘😞

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