Ginger Is in My Heart. The Missing Is Unbearable

by Priscilla
(Warren PA)

The missing is unbearable, devastating. Her death was unexpected.

My heart is bleeding at my loss. She had a good life, but that does not take away the pain that has been with me for over two months. There is so much pain in life. It's not easy to face another day.

Ginger, I love and miss you.


Comments for Ginger Is in My Heart. The Missing Is Unbearable

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by: Anonymous

I lost my sweet Noodles 4 weeks ago. My heart is broken, the sadness I feel is unbearable. There is no purer love than that between a dog and a human. Noodles was the calm and light in my life.

by: Priscilla

Close to three months that Ginger had the seizure and was taken from me. Life will never be the same. The hurt and missing is with me every day. She was like a mischievous little child and I loved every minute of it.

People say "get another dog." There will never be another Ginger. I know another dog will work for some and it is good to give another a good home.

by: Priscila

Ginger was a lovable little stinker and I loved every minute of her wonderful and different way. I'm still devastated by my loss. I feel she can now see better and is with Nell and the other losses that have broken my heart.

Thanks for all the responses.


by: Anonymous

I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my Maltese Oliver only 1 week ago and I'm so sad. He also had a good life, but that doesn't change how much it hurts to have lost him.

Their love and personality will always be with us. They will forever be missed.

Sorry For Your Loss
by: Joanie

I lost my chow-mix dog a week ago. The pain is unbearable.

My dog Niki (female) was a sudden death. She just had a perfect check up the week before. I can relate to how devastating that is. It's easier in the sense you don't ever have to decide to put them down, but there are no last goodbyes. Little did I know our walk that day was going to be our last on this earth.

You're not alone with your pain and sorrow.

Memories of Ginger
by: Sharon Dover, PA

I know how you feel. I am so sorry for your loss. I went through it about a year ago.

I still miss my best friend, but the memories of her are my comfort.

Ginger must have been a very special companion. My first puppy's name was Ginger and when I saw the name I just had to write and express my sorrow with your loss.

It will get better. I truly believe we will reunite with them again someday.

Take care.

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