Ferro the King

by Veronica Duncan

My dog, a Boxer, died a few days ago with dignity and honor. He waited for all of us to arrive home to have dinner and entertain with the family and my grandson who said goodbye before he went to bed. I gave him his last snack and he sat outside in the cool breeze.

I shortly went away, to return to see him asleep in his dog house. So rarely that he ever goes in because he was a house dog. He went for his eternal rest in peace to keep us all from having to see him leave.

We will miss Ferro the King, who will live in all our hearts for a long time to come.

Comments for Ferro the King

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A boxer is unlike any other dog, so full of personality
by: Anonymous

My heart goes out to you. My dog Floyd was a boxer and he passed two days ago. I am still reeling with pain. He died in my arms.

I miss him so much. I feel so empty. Life will never seem as silly again.

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