
by Kasey
(Rutland, MA)

Eli: He was Heaven on Earth

Eli: He was Heaven on Earth

Every since I was really little, I had always wanted a dog, but the answer had always been no because my parents didn't want to be the ones taking care of it, no matter how much I promised I would be the one to do so.

But, when I was 11 years old, I came home from school after a particularly bad day to find this sweet, loving white and brindle patched dog. My mother had gone to the pound that day to find us a new cat since ours had died a month prior, instead, she came home with a dog. I'd never been so happy in my entire life.

For ten long years we had Eli in our family. Our beautiful pitbull/greyhound cross who was truly the best of all of us. Even when I went off to college, I couldn't wait to come home to see him again. He'd always come running out the front door, running in circles through sheer excitement. And when I'd come in the house, he'd run to get the nearest toy because he knew I'd play with him.

When I came home on Christmas Eve, not much had changed. He bolted out of the house to greet me the moment my car pulled in the driveway and I spent about five minutes just petting him and kissing the top of his head, I hadn't see him since Thanksgiving and I'd missed him tons. We'd barely got through the front door when he was back with a rope to play tug-o-war with me. It was hard to believe that Christmas day things would take a down turn. The morning he was still himself, playful, looking for treats and affection which he always got since he was so well loved. We couldn't have known how sick he'd get later that night and would soon leave us forever.

It's been three days and I'm still a wreck from it. Eli, as horrible as this is to say, was quite possibly my favorite family member. He was always happy to see me whenever I came home and he'd been my pillow through heartbreaks, my companion on long car rides, my confidant when I was feeling blue and the best friend a girl could ask for. The tears still haven't stopped and I know a piece of my heart will be lost forever now that he is no longer with us. I hope he's at peace now and I look forward to seeing him again when it comes for my turn to leave this Earth as well.

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by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my little dachie on Dec 13th 2008. Opie was 12. No matter how old you are, we still love our pets. Eli has crossed the rainbow bridge and one day he will be there to greet you with lots of kisses.

Do yourself a favor -- when it's time, go to a humane society or pound and rescue another dear pet who will love you too, for saving its life. They save ours in turn. Share your love with another buddy when it's time.

Sorry for your loss.

Linda Siler

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