Dogs earn their access to Heaven. Men buy it.

by Alain
(Saint Paul, MN, USA)

In Your Honor
Junior, my Beloved Companion

You never let me down
You never ignored me
You never made faces at me
You never complained to anyone

You were always there for me
You always listened to me
You were always happy to see me
You always made me feel important to you
You always relied on me for all your needs
You always provided me with all your attention and your love

You loved everyone all the time

You were:
my friend
my best friend
my support
my only support
my confidant
my reliable confidant
my companion
my dependable companion for 12 years
a blessing for me

I lost you
I'm so happy that we had a life together
I'm so sorry that I didn't take enough good care of you. I never took the appropriate steps to diagnose your terminal illness on time.

I'll love you forever.
I'll always remember you.

Comments for Dogs earn their access to Heaven. Men buy it.

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Dogs always earn their way to Heaven
by: Alain


Thank you for your comment. Very sorry for your loss.

I'm currently in a situation where I cannot have a dog. As soon as I can, I'll get a new pet and I'll pay plenty of attention to his/her changes in behavior. I'll make sure that I dedicate more time to my 4 legged companion. They are so worth all the energy and efforts than we (owners) can give them.

To Alain, Owner of Junior
by: Pier


I am sorry for your loss of Junior. What a sweet poem. I would like to assure you that most pet owners who lose their pets to terminal illnesses, feel guilt. My guess is that it's because we cannot communicate with our pets, verbally. We never truly feel that we can completely meet their needs, especially when they are in pain.

Being a nurse, I tried so hard to recognize any changes with my pets. Still do!

I lost my older girl, Margo, a mixed lab, last December. I felt the same as you. I try to fill in those gaps of guilt by offering a little support to those who have recently lost a pet.

Take care, Pier

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