Dogs Can Be the Soulmate to a Human...

by Debbie Schooley
(O'fallon, Illinois)

Her name was Muffin.The first time I saw her was when she was 6 weeks old. Wwhen I held her for the first time she looked into my eyes and gently licked my face and it was instant love for both of us. I had always wanted a yorkie and my dream had come true.

I have always been extremely sensitive to the needs of all animals and this sweet little angel was about to show me just how unconditional her devotion and her love was. My life would never be the same. She was the one thing who always made all the bad things in my life just melt away when I held her. I couldn't wait to get off work to go home and be with her. She was everything to me.

She was diagnosed with kidney failure in Jan. 07 and died 7 months later. She only lived 7 years. She has been gone for over a year now and I still cry for her. I find it impossible to write the words on how she touched my life because she is still and always will be in my heart and soul.

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My Soulmate
by: Molly

I just lost my pit of 4 years. His name was Fatboy. He was murdered while I was in the hospital.

He was my soulmate. I can't express the agony I feel on a daily basis. My life is no longer the same. I pray that his killer pays the price when his judgement day comes.

I love you, my sweet boy. I hope you're in heaven waiting for momma.

💔 More Than Ever!
by: Donna

I recently lost my heart/soulmate dog. Her name was Piper Jules. She was my reason to smile when things were upsetting me. She kissed and hugged me every night and laid next to my head or tummy at bedtime. She was my lap baby, my shadow, my service dog, my heart.

Today I go to pick up her ashes. 😢 I don't know how that's going to go. I've cried every day (the last 7) 4-5 hours each day.

She was only 4.5 and died of complications from a biopsy. I want all to know, soulmate dogs are real. You love all your babies, however one will steal your whole heart. Piper did that.

God I miss her. I feel for anyone reading this, because you too must know the pain.

Forever my baby, Piper Jules RIP

My Baby Girl ... Jetty
by: jacquie

Died October last year... nearly 10 years old. I miss her dreadfully. She had cancer. I held her while they put my baby to sleep.

She was my soulmate.

Months before, I had the most peculiar dream about a needle. Perhaps she was letting me know.

I miss her funny walk. I miss her trying to get on my bed. I miss her squeaks when I bring the shopping home. I miss her following me around the house. I miss checking her paws and she growls. She hated having her nails clipped. And I my cuddles.

I have lost a part of me. My american cocker spaniel. My dearest companion.

I shall love you always, my baby girl. xxxxxx

Muffin's mom
by: Sandra


I'm so sorry to hear about Muffin. My Roxie was a Yorkiepoo. She also lived for seven years. She died suddenly from complications related to diabetes (coma) before I was faced with the task of giving her Insulin or making a decision about euthanasia.

She was the most beautiful baby.

I hope your pain, like my own, will subside.

Dogs CAN be soul mates
by: Anonymous

Hi Debbie

You couldn't have expressed my own feelings better. I know exactly what you mean. If you click quote search to the left and search Mischief you can read about my big beautiful bear. She meant the world to me and though the pain has lessened over 6 months, I know I'll grieve her loss until the day I die.

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