
by Steve

Dexter in bed

Dexter in bed

To Dexter a.k.a Dexter do, Dexter do do, Stinky, Stinky do, Stinky do do, Poo pants, Pants, My stinky old pants

From the time we first met, it was love at first sight. You were 2 years old and currently imprisoned at the local S.P.C.A. I was 20 years old, completely lost in life with absolutley no direction or responsibility.

You looked at me with a "Get me out of here" look on your face and I complied as hastily as possible.

I remember asking the front desk how somebody could surrender such a sweet, beautiful boy. They told me that you had tried to jump a fence a couple of times and were too much for your old owner to handle. Unfortunately for them, they missed out on living with the greatest companion a family could ask for.

When we got home for the first time, you firmly placed your head in my front lap, panted, and looked at me. "Go lie down," I said. Next thing you walked right in front of me, looked me in the eyes, and took a monstrous dump on the floor.

That's when I knew our relationship would be different. You didn't take any shit from me and sure didn't mind giving it, literally.

You were there when I met the love of my life, and more than likely helped my cause. At some point she adopted you as her own and you became our baby.

When we moved into our first apartment it was difficult on you. You enjoyed barking at almost everyone new, which made elevators an interesting experience. You were also very particular about where you went to the bathroom. Basically you either found the most perfect spot imaginable outside or you just went inside. As funny as it may be, some of the most memorable moments I will have of our time is your shits. Where you took them, where you didn't, your endless circles with no resolution and your absolute refusal to go in our yard, when we had one.

When my stomach hurt and I got out of bed, you took my place to cuddle your mom and give endless kisses.

You were fiercely loyal and a protector till the end.

You will be greatly missed by your mother, your dog sister Ruby, your grandmother, your uncle Jeff, Josh, Colin and me. I hope you catch all of the squirrels in death that you attempted to catch in life. We are so happy that you are no longer in pain, and eternally sad that you are gone.

I will rest easier tonight knowing you are comfortable now. I hope you can pick weeds in the garden with Ed until we meet again. We will always love our baby Dexter.

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by: Ana

Steve, your story touched me so deeply, maybe because like you, I found my pet soul mate in the hardest time of my life. Like you, I was in my early 20s, alone and completely messed up. And then this cockapoo came, puked on me on the first car ride, ate all my shoes and almost died a few times in some freaky situations.

Nonetheless, we were together for almost 16 years. I also met the love of my life when I already had him (almost killed the love of my life with an asthma attack and love of my life had to take allergy shots forever).

I also hope to meet my best friend again over the rainbow bridge. Don't worry, Sparky didn't chase anything, so your baby can have all the squirrels ;-)


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