Darby, my best friend

by Rhya
(Oceanside, CA, U.S.A.)

I adopted Darby from the Carlsbad Animal Shelter twelve years ago. He died yesterday from complications due to the removal of bladder stones.

I never thought I'd lose my companion. He filled in all the hollow places in my life and brought me love and joy.

The veterinarian should have euthanized him. Instead, she sent him home with me where he died from hemorrhaging and shock.

I wish my Darby could be with me forever, as a spirit companion. That his body could forever remain young, but his and my spirit were somehow woven together, soul mates, and we'd never part.

I clipped some fur from him -- he had the softest, most beautiful fur -- and placed the clippings in an envelope. I am thinking now I'll touch these clippings from now on and have at least this to remember him by, because now I can't hug him or pet him or kiss him.

I hope there is a heaven for dogs and Darby's there knowing I love him. And just didn't want him to leave me.

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A gift from God
by: Anonymous

I too lost my best friend Darby, a beautiful yorkie. He was 16 years old and 1 month when he died Feb. 12, 2011. I miss him so much and can relate to what you said about being woven together. I know I will never love another dog the way I loved him. I know he was a gift from God. I will cherish him forever!

by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your great loss. I saved the 'tail feathers' from a dog-friend, Harry, over ten years ago. Recently I wove them into a braid with horse tail trimmings, my own hair and a cat I loved.

Please bury your friend where he belongs, deep deep in your heart, where he will always be loved and cherished.

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