Coco 🤍

by Emily

Hey Coco, it's been a day since I last held you. I miss you so much. I can't believe you're gone.

Oso misses you so much. He looks around for you, and is lonely at night without you. I bet he loves you so much. 🤍 I just wish you weren't gone. And you were still with us. 💔

We all miss you, Coco. It hurts so much writing this. You were such a good boy. You had the best life, and never went a day without being told we love you. We know you loved us deeply as much as we loved you.

Goodbye my sweet little boy. We love you. We will always love you. And Oso will miss you without a doubt. I will always love you baby. Oso has never spent a day without you in the 2 years he's lived. He was so lonely last night it hurt. I just know he deeply misses you.

You were our baby, and still are. I love you. Forever and always. 🤍🤍

Coco January 21, 2018-May 20, 2021 💔

We love you.

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