Charlie Was My Best Friend

by Cecilia Eaton
(Carpinteria, CA)



In loving memory of Charlie Eaton
October 29, 2010

Charlie brought me 7 years of unconditional love and devotion. I miss him terribly. May he feel no pain in doggy heaven.

Cecilia Eaton

Comments for Charlie Was My Best Friend

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by: eddier wilson

My dog's name was Charlie, and I wish he was still here. I am sorry for your loss. It hurts so much.

Calling All Angels
by: Dan Yahnian

A Dog. Is there a greater gift we can obtain? The hardest part of owning one is when they pass. It is so painful. I do understand why some people would not rather go through it again, but look at all the love you'd be missing again.

I'm sure the people here are big dog lovers, but we also know there are people that don't care for their dogs as we would. Charlie knows how much he was loved and how rare of a person that you are for that love. He'd want you to have another little one in your life because of your devotion to him and his cousins that need a loving home like yours.

When you're ready, let some little one back into your life again. We miss our Kelly as you miss Charlie. Good Luck To You !

ln loving memory of Lady and Bakkies
by: Anonymous

I had to make my 2 dogs sleep one month after another. My heart was broken, and reading of all other people's hurt, I can say I am so sorry for everyone who lost a friend. I also didn't want another dog because of the terrible hurt. My son adopted a lovely dog at the SPCA, but the residents were complaining at the complex where he stays. Oscar (basset dog) was given to me. I adopted a little friend for him at the SPCA. I still miss my 2 friends dearly, but I am so happy and grateful to have the unconditional love of these 2 new friends. There are so many dogs who need some love in this world.

Charlie's mom
by: Cecilia Eaton

Thank you to the dear friends who responded to my memorial - dog people understand dog people - and that is a blessing.

I share my sympathy to those who have lost their little ones.

Sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

Charlie is such a sweet dog. I hope he finds my baby Bruce to play with. I will tell you, nothing will fill the void that Charlie but it just gets easier to bear.

We lost our baby of 13 years to cancer and there is not a day goes by that I don't think about him and miss him. I am so afraid to get another dog because of the hurt.

Good luck with your pain and keep Charlie in your heart. They are waiting for us.


by: Teresa

What an adorable boy, I can see why you would miss him so.

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I hope these pages will bring you some comfort. I know they have helped me tremendously since I lost my Bodie.

It's still hard to believe he's gone.

One comfort is knowing that they are happy and healthy in heaven and I'm convinced that is where all our babies are.

Prince Charles
by: Laura

Thank you for being a fun loving dog, thank you for filling the void after Brian left us, thank you for keeping Mom company and loving her unconditionally. We love you and you will be forever missed Charlie Bear.

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