Charlie the Schnoodle

by Katie Hamilton
(Eden Prairie, MN)



Charlie was a Schnoodle (Schnauzer Poodle), born on October 7, 2002. He was a gift to his family for Christmas of 2002, and has touched their hearts ever since.

He loved to chase balls, squirrels, and rabbits. He barked at almost anything. Whenever someone he loved got home from work, school, or came to visit, he went crazy with affection. He had specific dances and squeals for each person.

He was not a snuggly dog, but very early in the morning when he was most tired you could get a snuggle out of him.

His most favorite words were: Walk, Car Ride, Woodpecker, Squirrel, and most importantly "Want this?" He was a beggar. He didn't care if he never met you before or not, if you had any food in your hands he was your best friend.

He was also a scaredy dog. Storms, fireworks, strange mysterious beeps, and other loud noises made him tuck his tail and go hide. He also hated the word "bath." He always hid in his house, aka kennel, when you said the word to him. He was not the type of dog to go swimming....ever.

He loved his family more than anything. As I stated before, he would greet them at the door like they were the best thing that ever existed. He wanted to play with them all the time. When he was bored, or had to go potty, he would paw at the front door spring. Usually, he just wanted his family's attention.

They loved him with all their hearts as well. The three girls (Katie, Grace, and Natalie) loved him maybe a little too much. His mom and dad walked him around the block every morning and afternoon. They chased him around the kitchen every day too.

He had more nicknames than normal: Charzard, Eechi, MooMoo, DooDoo, Little Butt, Rufus, Beard, and Charles Baron Gustav Von Schnoodle. The girls even made him his own facebook page.

When Katie went off to college, the thing she missed the most about home was Charlie. Whenever the family went on vacation, they couldn't wait to get back and have his wonderful greeting and affection.

Charlie also suffered from seizures on and off most of his life. These typically were stressed induced. He also developed heart disease (despite the millions of walks he had been on and proper diet).

On August 22, 2012 Charlie suffered from a number of seizures. His heart was enlarged, and his blood circulation was slow. As a result, his heart could no longer keep up and he passed away.

His family will never forget his wonderful playful spirit, the best door greetings in the world, his "buffs" rather than barks, and his glorious beard. He was an amazing dog, and he will be missed. He will be loved forever.

Comments for Charlie the Schnoodle

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Charlie Schnoodle Man
by: Shar Ebinger

Charlie stayed in our home downstairs in the apartment with my son Nic while Charlie's family was on vacation. It wasn't at all like having a dog in the house. Charlie was much more like a little man.

When you looked into his eyes, they appeared quite smart and human-like. He did remind me of a general, more than likely quite decorated...

It's so sad that Charlie left early, but he was one of the lucky dogs who belonged to a family who loved him tremendously. He was that sweet little vibe in the family who, without talking, spoke proudly, which made him an integral part of the Hamilton family.

My heart goes out to your family and the tremendous loss of Charlie. He was such a good, sweet little dog. He will be watching over you just like my Lexi girl has watched over me, Spike and Nic forever.


Shar, Christopher
Vera and Damien kitty

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