Buster Boy

by Richard
(Sandston VA)

Today we sent our boy to heaven. He fought to stay with us until the end, but like the poem, it was the battle that can't be won. We were by his side until the end.

We feel like the best part of our home has gone. I know his soul went to heaven, but his spirit is here with us until it's our time to join him at the rainbow bridge.

It will be hard, we know, but the bad times need to be forgotten and the good are what we need to remember. Our boy taught me a lot, to keep trying to the end, to be strong and to love without reservation.

Our sweet hound dog was the best part of coming home from work, that smiling face and wagging tail. A friend who was there through all our good and bad times, like a rock in our life, strong and unmoving.

Buster, we will love you forever. You will always be in our thoughts and in our hearts. Rest in peace, sweet boy. Watch over mom and dad.

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