Brutus PitBoxer

by Boots

Brutus (Bubba)

Brutus (Bubba)

Brutus June 1 2005 June 21 2018

Born in Ohio, died in New Mexico

Brutus was 13 and the best friend I've ever had. We traveled cross country to NM to be in the sun. We were growing old together. He rode on my lap the whole way, 1700 miles.

In mid December 2005, I was standing in my driveway when this little brindle puppy (well, maybe not that little) 6 month old appeared from nowhere and was standing in the middle of the road. I slapped my knees and said "Well, come on." He ran and jumped right into my arms. Most strays run the other way when you call them. Fortunately it was a very slow country street.

I figured he had to belong to someone. He was in excellent condition. Turns out an older woman up the road had rescued him from a horrible fate at about 2 months of age. He was found tied up in the v of two tree limbs so if he had fallen he would have hung himself. I just get sick at the thought of it, as well as the thought of the evil people who put him there.

The woman went on to explain that he was too much for her and he had been listed on Pet Finders, but not one person had replied. Then she said if I would like to have him. I couldn't believe it because I already loved him to pieces.

We had a great life together. Everyone in town new that dog. We were joined at the hip. My life revolved around him. He did have a few behavioral issues we never could fix, so I just didn't bring him in contact with his triggers, and didn't allow anything or anyone at my place that would upset him. I never minded.

He and I had a bond that I've never experienced with another living thing and don't expect to again. It was Brutie's world. He came first, and everyone knew it. But he gave me a lot in return. We knew what each other was thinking, when we were upset, happy, sad, worried, etc. We felt it. We knew what the other would do 15 seconds before they did.

He was always at the door waiting on the odd occasion he couldn't come with me, and all I wanted to do was go home and see him. We had each other's back always, and it just happened like that. He wasn't trained to do this. He did it because that's who he was.

From the first night I had him till the night he passed away in my arms at 13 years, June 21 2018 3am, he was in bed under the covers like he always was. He would put his paw on me and it meant lift up the blanket I'm coming under.

He was very vocal. He had a certain bark or chirp for everything he needed from me. A biscuit, to go out, to play, it's feeding time. We honestly had our own communication system.

The night the house caught fire it was Brutus who stood over me barking and smacking me with his paws to get up. I didn't lose the house and no one got hurt because he was on it pronto. No one believed it till they saw it. It was true and real because it just was. The only thing I ever taught Brutus was to catch a piece of food, even from across the kitchen or into the other room. He never missed but a couple times a year.

This will be hard to get through. That's who I went to and curled up with, good times and bad times.

There will never be another you, Brutus. I will miss you forever. Not many folks ever are blessed with what I was blessed with when I met you in the middle of that road, December 19, 2005.

Comments for Brutus PitBoxer

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Thank you
by: Boots

Scott thank you for taking the time to write. It's very hard, as you know. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

The bond is something most folks don't understand unless they have experienced it. As heartbreaking as it is to have lost it, I wouldn't trade my time with Brutus for anything.

I'm trying my best to heal and get on with it, but folks don't really know just how difficult it is. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. I'll pray for you to find peace. God willing we both will someday.

by: Scott Fisher

My sincere condolences for the loss of your friend. Before meeting my boys, Blue and Cane, I was ignorant of the bond you wrote of. My boys died April 11 of this year, and I sorely miss them.

Brutus is resting easy. I pray that your heart heals. Healing, in time, will soothe your unbearable grief.

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