Brecon, My Baby Boy

by Alys
(Wales, UK)

Brecon (L) & Radnor  - Christmas 2013

Brecon (L) & Radnor - Christmas 2013


April 9th 2004 - December 6th 2014

I still remember the day we got you. The breeders wouldn't let us take you until we saw how big your parents were - and they were huge. We still insisted you were for us. We collected our big bundle of joy and left for home.

Since that day we haven't had a dull moment. You came home to see that we already had a 2 week old spaniel, Radnor, and pretty much fell in love. Radnor initially didn't quite feel the same. But, despite you being able to squash him with a single paw, you enveloped him with love and from that day forth you became brothers.

You two were a cheeky little duo growing up - double-teaming to get food from table-tops and shelves, ripping two beds in under an hour (I'm still very impressed) and stealing all those wooly Christmas decorations every year.

You were a wonderful brother to Radnor, always at his side 24/7 without fail. However, I remember the younger days when you had a certain penchant for sitting on him, not quite realising how big you were, and racing through your dinner in the desperate hope you'd finish before slow-coach Radnor.

Through it all though, he was your soul mate and I know you would have done anything on this Earth for him. Radnor is missing you every day as his winter snuggle buddy and partner in crime.

Oh God, now it's my turn. I won't lie - I'm absolutely shattered; broken into a million pieces. They say home is where the heart is. Well, my home is a million miles away now. My world is off kilter. Every time I told you that you were it for me - my best friend - I meant it. I love you more than I can ever express.

More than anything, I would like to say thank you, Brecon. Thank you for enriching my life beyond measure. You have been there for me through thick and thin for over 10 years - my best friend.

I have never known any dog to love as freely and completely as you did. Thank you for being in my life. I promise to look after Radnor until he's ready to join you one day.

I will love you forever and always, Brecon, my beautiful baby angel.

Merry Christmas.

Comments for Brecon, My Baby Boy

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Your Boy
by: Becky

I just lost my boy of 17 years. His memorial will be up soon. My world is shattered as well, but I find peace in knowing I will see him again. You will see yours too.

Great Life
by: Colin

So sorry about your loss. My dog--a lab as well--died on the same day. He was 12, and we didn't expect it to happen on the holidays. Bad timing.

They make the best pets. They know that we love them, and are appreciative of the life we give them.

It will be hard for us in the future, but there are many great memories.

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