Bobbie Osborne-Bondrew

by Lisa Marie
(Lake Wally PA USA)

Bobbie Osborne

Bobbie Osborne

RIP Bobbie, my sweet tiny Angel. This is such a shock to me to lose you so soon. You may have been a wee little pooch, but you were a tough one who loved to be with the big dogs.

I thank you for coming into our lives even for a short while and choosing us as your forever family. In the three short years you were with us, I saw the change in you from being wary of people. Only in the past year did I notice how you had accepted me as the one human you could completely trust.

I hope we gave you as much happiness as you have given us. Thank you for making us smile and showing us love by your cuteness and cuddling. I will miss you terribly and hope you are not too scared away from me.

♥♥♥ Love you my little puffball. ♥♥♥

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