Beloved Maggie

by Lori
(Indianapolis IN)

Thank you, my pretty Maggie. Thank you for helping me take the time to enjoy God's creation through thousands of miles walked together. Thank you for 5:30am runs at sunrise while the rest of the world slept.

Thank you for teaching me the joy that can come from a relationship based on unconditional love, wholehearted trust, submissiveness, and obedience. Thank you for your constant companionship, your unassuming nature, and the excitement you showed for each new day.

You will forever hold an exceptionally special place at my heart's core.

Rest in peace, my sweet, sweet girl. I miss you. xoxox

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Callie and Others
by: Priscilla

Soon it will be the one year anniversary losing Callie. I saw a dog that reminded me of her just the other day. I miss her and the others. A blessing to have had such love in our lives.

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