Baby, I miss you so much.

by Renee Cheung
(Los Angeles )

Baby - my best friend forever.

Baby - my best friend forever.


Thank you for being a wonderful friend with me for the past 17 years. We have a lot of stories for the past. I know that you are so loyal to me. The night before you left me, I totally felt that you were too tired to fully relax in my arm. You had been struggling too long to be with me.

Thank you so much - you will be in my memories forever. No other one could replace you in my life. Hopefully, time will relieve my grief. I miss you so so much.

Comments for Baby, I miss you so much.

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Loss of Friend
by: Mari

I am so sorry for your loss. It felt like I was writing the epitaph for my BFF of 17 years, my ChaCha girl, who stole my heart and left me broken-hearted.

I know that she suffers no more. I will love her forever. Thank you for the beautiful years you gave me, which taught me unconditional love.

Sharing your loss
by: Anonymous

I too have recently lost my baby after 17 1/2 years. It is such a mixed blessing to be together for so long...profound gratefulness for the time together, but acute awareness that it could end at any time. I thought that awareness had prepared me for our parting, but it did not.

I hope that we can both get to the point that we recall their stories without the ache in our hearts.

To Baby's Companion
by: Anonymous

Baby misses you too! You two were so lucky to have had each other.

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