Ava - Our Beloved German Shepherd



Our Ava passed away Friday, August 27th. We cried for three days and miss her so much. She died instantly about 10:14 p.m. She hadn't been feeling well for about four days. The Vet just thought it was hip dysplasia and arthritis aggravated by her bath and groom the Tuesday before.

She went out at 7:30 p.m. to do her business, and after coming back in slept for about two or three hours. Then she got up and went and laid on her bed which is right across from my husband's chair. He said she sat up like she was going to get up to her feet, looked at him and fell over sideways. He jumped up and went to her, and she was already gone.

The Vet thought she probably had a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, blood clot or maybe an undetected tumor that burst. She was under routine Vet care and had just had a physical in May.

Missing You

I came home, but you didn't greet me at the door.
The house has fallen silent without the sound of paws upon the floor.

During the night, I wake but do not hear you move about the room.
Comforting sounds are absent, replaced by dreary gloom.

No tail beating against the floor in anticipation of a treat.
No face upturned in serious attention as my dinner I eat.

The gentle nudge on my leg is absent as you remind me of your needs.
I don't hear your shrill whine as thunder warns an approaching storm that
your instinct heeds.

A knock comes upon the door, the door bell rings, but no one tells me so.
Your bark is silent, the sounds are quite ignored.

I miss your presence as through the house I walk.
No one hears me as I relate the day's events in silly talk.

The refrigerator opens, but your head does not appear under my arm.
You're not lying in front of the stove smelling the goodness of my cooking, your look showing its charm.

Your stuffed animals have no one to play with as silently they leave the house.
Everything is in place and quiet as a mouse.

I'll love you forever and miss you just as long,
Until we are together again, right where we belong.

Ava, our dear Ava

Ava so patient and kind, we will miss your sweet face.
Ava so gentle and obedient, we will always remember your loving grace.

Ava so loving and loyal, we will miss your smartness and poise.
Ava so dignified and aloof, we will miss your German Shepherd warning noise.

Ava so trustworthy and calm, we will miss your strength, comfort, courage and powers of healing;
Knowing all the time our hearts you were stealing.

German Shepherd

Came to live with us January 8, 2006 at the age of four.
Passed over the Rainbow Bridge August 27, 2010.

Comments for Ava - Our Beloved German Shepherd

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Time Flies
by: mercedes1947

Wow, it has been a year already. I would not have guessed that. She passed on my mother's birthday.

For Ava
by: Mercedes1947

She was a beauty Starbird.

Still Missing You - 1 Year Today 8-27-11
by: Mom and Dad

Our Ava passed over the Rainbow Bridge one year ago today. Still sadly missed.

Written in 2009;

My Ava

My Ava is a joy to keep me busy.
She is most cooperative, laid back and seldom in a "tizzy".

We walk down the street and take in the view.
We cook, talk and make whatever we have do.

We live in the moment, Ava and I.
She often lays down, contented, and gives a sigh.

Sometime we go out on the deck, and I brush her coat.
Often, she lays on the couch while I tune in something with the remote.

She sleeps while I read as she never went to first grade.
Ava, the wonderful canine that God sent to me and made.

When Ava and I pass on and wake up to sleep no more,
I want her to rest with me so our spirits together can soar.

Ava is still missed
by: Ava's Mom and Dad

It has been almost a year, but we still miss our sweet Ava. We talk about her almost every day.

We adopted a little Miniature American Eskimo Dog September 30, 2010 from our local shelter. Her name is Sugar, and she is as sweet as her name. We love her dearly, and she is a good dog like Ava.

We still miss you Ava, and we still have an empty spot no other dog can fill.

So hard
by: Anonymous

It's the silence that is so hard. So sorry for your loss!

Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your comments. It is good to share grief. Others can help you heal.

We are in the process of doing what we said we would not, get another dog. The process has started to adopt a rescue dog. This dog will be smaller and easier to care for as we are getting on in age ourselves. This twenty-five pound ball of fur will never replace Ava, but we have so much left to give and there are so many dogs that need good homes, love and attention.

My sympathies
by: Anonymous

Your post made me cry. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's hard to explain to people how the loss of a beloved dog can really rock your world.

You put it into words well. May time heal your heart.


Your loss
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry. I know the deep feeling you have of the loss, as I have been through it myself.

By all means, keep your love in your hearts and dreams as she will you.

God bless all of you.

John from NH

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