Astra, my beloved baby girl

by Lysa

All my love goes to you, you are the best companion anyone can ever ask for, i miss you

All my love goes to you, you are the best companion anyone can ever ask for, i miss you

I found you on the side of the road in a box saying ''puppies.'' I stopped, and there you were, skinny and shivering. I really couldn't believe it.

The next morning, I brought you to the vet, where they confirmed you were a 5 week old husky. You had an ear infection, worms and much more. I took you in, and it was the best decision I've ever made. You always brought joy to me.

I miss you sleeping at the end of my bed and hearing you make your funny little noises at night. I loved going running with you every morning, and when I was too tired to do so, you would bark and bring me my shoes. We had our girl nights, where we would watch chick flicks, and I would cry and you were there, licking my tears away. I wish you were here right now to do the same.

Cancer took you away too soon. I had you for 11 years and it's not enough. I miss you so much girly girl, you were my best friend. I hope we'll meet again some day, and I also hope you're in no more pain.

Love you sweetie.

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