Archie, Our Beloved Family Member, Will Be Missed

by Sonny and Missy

Our little man Archie

Our little man Archie

Archie was our beagle that my wife, son and I adopted in September 2003 when he was just 6 weeks old. He was the perfect little man, who loved to play and go for walks. He traveled to Arizona with us in 2004 where we all lived as a family for 9 1/2 years until we moved back to Illinois in 2014 where he was originally from.

Archie was so loyal and lovable. He slept with us every night and loved taking naps during the day with my wife. He really loved it when my wife would hold him like a baby where he would sleep in her arms.

Archie was one of a kind, and we loved him so much that words cannot describe. On Valentine's Day 2017 Archie was asleep with us in the bed. Around 5:20am he howled louder than we had ever heard before. We thought at first he was dreaming, which he did a lot of, but for some reason this was different.

When we checked on him it was evident that he had passed away. He looked so lifeless. Archie lived to be 13 1/2 years old.

Not a day goes by that we don't think about him. He will be missed so much. It is very hard not to break down when we think or talk about him. He was very special to us and now it feels like there is a void in our house and a hole in our hearts.

We hope that Archie went to a better place and is playing with other dogs that have passed on. We can only hope to see him again some day because it hurts so much not having him with us anymore.

We love and miss you. Archie.

Mom, Dad and Bub

Comments for Archie, Our Beloved Family Member, Will Be Missed

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by: Kenjo

I'm so sorry about Archie. He's a handsome boy.

I know exactly how you feel, I lost my dog too.

And yes -- dogs do go to heaven.

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