Annie - Devoted, Loyal, Loving - You touched so many when it was needed most

by Michael George
(Panama City Beach FL)

Annie, a beautiful Boston Terrier came as a rescue puppy to live with us and with our Boston Terrier, Sally. Annie was a vivacious pup and Sally was a mature, no nonsense girl who put up with Annie. Annie was with us when Sally passed.

It was important to us to continue to adopt puppies in need of rescue. Annie came to live with us when our first two children were quite young. Annie was named after my mother and daughter, both named Ann. An orphan full of energy and life, it seemed most appropriate to call her "Annie."

Annie was loved by the entire family. She shared her home with a family of six humans and two cats. She almost always got along with everyone and seemed to have a unique teasing relationship with our cat, Taylor. Annie was always eager to greet us at the door with a loving and friendly "hello." She was also quite fond of rushing to the door when non-family members came, but her attitude was different then.

Annie was with us when our cat Apricot passed, and gave much comfort to everyone. At that time she seemed to become a little bit friendlier with Taylor as long as none of the other family members were paying attention.

She moved with us from Atlanta to our home in Florida. Ernie said that "even though we've had our times, I've always loved her." Annie was quite tolerant and patient with the rambunctious little boys. Keion wants Annie to know that he loves her and that she is the best dog ever and that she was the best dog he'll ever have, that he loves her and is going to miss her a lot.

One of my favorite memories is when he, Keion, spent his own, earned, money to buy Christmas gifts for the entire family and of course that did include Annie. He was very proud of the gifts he got for her and she really did enjoy the special treats he got her.

Jimmy says that he loves Annie and he too is going to really miss her. Annie used to tickle some of us when she would run from Jimmy. This would only happen when he was taking her out and she didn't really care to go. He patiently put up with her antics and her attempts to escape. Of course she would come right in and lay next to him and play.

See, Annie always was stubborn and always had a mind of her own.

John remembers that Annie was the littlest one in her litter. He asked, "Are we sure that we want that little scrawny one?" Of course that made her all the more "Annie."

Annie often slept with John. No one ever knew which of them snored the most, but they didn't seem to mind a bit.

For the longest time, Annie was a relief for our son Keion because she was the only one in the house that had as much flatulence as he did.

Annie was a wonderful companion we were blessed to know, and although parting is painful and each of us will miss her greatly, we can take comfort in believing that St. Francis, the Patron Saint of Animals, is just one of the examples we can turn to that remind us that God loves all of his creation.

Annie has gone to a better place. I believe she is in heaven with her namesake Betty Ann, Sally, Apricot and a host of others.

We love you, Annie. Thank you for loving us.

June 30,2011

Comments for Annie - Devoted, Loyal, Loving - You touched so many when it was needed most

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by: Anonymous

A very lovely way to remember a special dog.

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