Always In My Heart

by Erika

I love you with all of my heart and am going to miss you so much. It's so hard to know you're gone but it's also relieving to know you're out of pain and in a place where you can be forever young.

You were the best dog in the world, always happy and so friendly. You never did any wrong and never hurt another being in your life.

It's gonna be hard not being able to pet you every day or kiss you but I know I'll see you again some day. You lived a long life and we had a lot of happy memories, going on walks, taking you to the ocean to swim, playing outside with you, and cuddling with you at the end of the day.

The house feels empty without you but I know you're not really gone, your still here in the house with us and you will be forever. I love you, Bowie, so much. You really are the best dog someone could ask for. 1/4/12 R.I.P.

Comments for Always In My Heart

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Gone but Never Forgotten
by: Ashlene


Losing a pet is so sad. I truly empathize with you.

All my love, Ash!

My heart goes out to you!
by: Anonymous

My dearest Laika just passed away last night and it's so hard for me to accept that my baby Laika is already out of my care! I just can't help myself but to cry for the reason that I can't see her anymore! I will surely miss her. This will certainly make my life a bit empty without her!

RIP Laika! I love you so much!

I'm right there with you
by: Joyce (Jelly's Owner)

Your words express how I feel too. My Jelly died on 1/7/12 and it's so difficult. I wish you well.

Your Words Help
by: Adam. UK.

Thank you for some kind words. It's been two weeks today since I lost my beautiful little Zara. I talk to her day and night. I miss her more every day.

Don't really have any real friends, only people I work with. Zara was my one friend. I spent all my time with her and now feel so very lonely without her.

Going to get a piece of jewelry to put some of her ashes in to keep her close to my heart. Wish I could chat with you all more as we all seem to share the same pain. God bless you, Ed

Gone Too Soon
by: Ed

I know what you're feeling. My heart goes out to you and to those who've left comments, especially Adam ...

December 27th I had to send my girl CoCo home to God. My heart has been breaking ever since. I rescued CoCo only two short years ago but in that time she and I lived a lifetime of love, friendship, and happiness ...

Losing her has made me realize that, in fact, it was she who rescued me. Life without our loyal friends is so very difficult.

I miss her terribly but take comfort in celebrating her life and remembering all the good times, and things she brought me.

Ed in Denver

It Hurts So Much
by: Adam

I am so sorry for your loss. I took my little baby last night to the vets for her final journey. Her name was Zar and she was so beautiful and sensitive. She really was 16 years of love to me. At times when I was lonely or down, she was always there. I loved her more than life or anyone.

I called in sick because facing work felt too much this morning. And sitting here today is so hard. No sounds in the house, just me. I feel so lonely now but haven't got Zar Bar to love. Not sure how to get past this.

I hoped you would say that it gets easier after a few days. I miss her so much, I can't breathe.

Your baby looks so beautiful too. Thank you.

I understand
by: Priscilla

I read your post and I just wanted to say that I feel your pain. I lost my best friend on 12/16/11, and I am so empty inside. You are not alone.

There isn't a day I can stop thinking of him. Words cannot describe the pain. I can never forget.

I am writing you because you described exactly how I feel about my Toby. I pray for you and your family through this painful moment. God bless.

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