Abby girl

by Scott
(North Carolina)

Well, I just had to do the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Abby was our 13 year old bassett hound. She was a great dog that just loved us and all she wanted to do was be near us. When I would get home from work, when no one had even realized or didn't care, she would every time come running with her tail wagging like crazy.

Good friends don't just happen one day that you decide you want one. They are built on experiences, time, laughter, crying, and love. We have already decided to get another dog because mainly the kids will get over it more easily. I will get over the pain of not seeing her beside our bed every morning, or always bringing something home to her from eating dinner out because I know she loves steak or chicken.

The thought of starting this whole thing over again is really exausting right now but, everything tells me it is the right thing to do. She was such a beautiful spirit and I don't know if we will be as lucky with any other dog. Anybody that has this ahead of them, know that you will get thru the procedure itself. It is a very peaceful process and the people at the vets know and understand what you are going thru. Just don't let the dog suffer too long. I persisted in prayer that God would tell me when the time was right and it was like a slap in the face is how obvious it was.

I will never forget my Abby girl and I love and miss her dearly. Thanks for listening

Comments for Abby girl

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by: Tom

So sorry for your loss. I lost my Ned 2 1/2 months ago. The house has been so empty and quiet, we needed a new little one so now I have a new wheaten puppy.

He is not my Ned as I know I will never replace him, but all the things I learned from Ned I will try to teach the new guy.

A friend told me to listen for Ned's bark in the wind and he will come to me in my dreams. I hope so. I am waiting. You do the same with Abby.

Good Luck,

Our Condolences
by: Sam & Shirley

Your comments brought tears to our eyes as we had our little 18 yr. old terrier put down just before Christmas and we are not over it yet.

At our advanced ages we won't get another dog as Rikki can't be replaced, and another dog might outlive us.

Rikki was cremated and is sitting on our mantel over the fireplace awaiting the first of us to die so that she can sleep with us until we are all together again on the other side.

Because you have children we understand your wanting to replace Abby, but it will be a substitute never a replacement. Best wishes.

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