A Good Boy and a Bad Boy

by Arlene Rios
(San Diego, California)

Bleu, A Good boy.

Bleu, A Good boy.

In September 2006, a precious little Foxhound came into our lives. His name was "BLEU." He was a loving and extremely intelligent Dog. We were told where we bought him that he was probably from a puppy mill.

He started showing agressive behavior a year into his life and bit us all 8 times. Still we gave him chances and loved him.
We were told he was more than likely inbred and had mental issues.

We made the heartbreaking decision last Friday Nov 26, 2008 to have him put down.

We are overwhelmed with grief and guilt.

I call the title of my memorial " A Good Boy and a Bad Boy" because my husband would play with him and in a silly voice tell him that he was "a good boy and a bad boy, but mostly a good boy."

I failed him cause I spoiled him like crazy and let him get away with everything. I would say: 'He's the king so leave him alone and let him do what he wants."

We miss Bleu so much it hurts. My husband, son and daughter are all so hurt, but we feel it was the right thing to do before he hurt again or hurt a stranger.

Bleu was special.

A good boy.

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I Knew Bleu
by: Stephanie

The first time I met Bleu it was Easter, and he was having a GRAND time jumping in the "moon-bounce" with the kids. Bleu had the Best family on Earth. We will all miss you.

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