4-Ever in my Heart Sabbath

by Laura Schindler
(Louisville, KY)

I have never loved a dog as much as I loved my buddy Sabbath.

When my husband and I went to pick out Sabbath 14 years ago he picked us. Sabbath came over and instantly started chewing on my husband's shoestring and we new that this was our boy. We chose the name Sabbath because we purchased him on a Sunday and he was a solid coal Black Labrador (and we also liked Black Sabbath back in the day).

The first night we brought him home he cried, so I put an alarm clock beside him but he still cried. I picked him up and placed him on my chest and within 15 minutes he was asleep.

We have had many wonderful years with our Sabbath, all the camping trips, the walks and going to the pond and Sabbath jumping in the water to retrieve a stick. He was a great retriever, the best.

The grieving process is harder than I thought. Sabbath's kidneys were shutting down. I had hand-fed him the last few days before we finally took him in. He could not keep anything down. Our vet told us that his kidneys were shutting down. I knew my buddy was dying and yet he still got up the last night with us and went for his walk. He loved his walks.

My husband and I held him when they euthanized him. He was so weak that all he could do was take a short breath and he was gone.

The pain is unbearable. My heart aches over and over. We took him home and we buried him in the garden by the pond. I still see him in the backyard and call for him.

Sabbath, I miss you. I miss you sitting on the porch, nudging me and spilling my coffee so you can have me put my arm around you. I miss you, my buddy. You are 4-ever in my heart.

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For the Family of Sabbath
by: Anonymous

We are so lucky to have, even for a time, the company of such loving and wonderful companion animals. Your Sabbath sounds like he was a jewel.

by: tom

Each day gets a little better. After I lost Ned and made his memorial here, I often read the stories others have written about the friends they have lost. You can read about Ned here at "My Little Buddy Ned." I am sorry for your loss.

Listen for his bark in the wind and he will come to you in your dreams to let you know he is OK and misses you too.

Best Wishes,

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